Compare Calculator

by Aki_Pineapple



About comparing unit prices, you might think that…“I want to compare unit prices among items that have unique cost and amount…”“I want to store calculated data with memo…”“My brain is not for calculating discounts…”Then, good news!This app can help you to compare and store unit prices of everything.[Introduce each section]1. Data input section- You can name the data: ex. StoreAAA beef, BBBMart candy, and so on. Of course, the name will function as a memo.- You can input cost, amount, number, and discount rate of a merchandise. Unit price will be derived at once without unit, which can enable to compare unit prices of many things from candies to real estates.- You can input data of some merchandises without screen transition. You can compare unit prices as many as you can.2. List section- You can see stored data in a list.- Tapping a row of the list enables you to edit the data.3. Edit section- You can edit the tapped data.4. Setting section- You have many color options: Red(default), Blue, Gray, Pink, Green, Orange. This app calculates unit price with an equation below:Unit price = {cost / (amount x number)} x (100 – discount) / 100You can make shopping more reasonable and fun with CompareCalculator!For further information is in oru web site: